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Contact & MapHow to arrive


Fam. Federer
Via Gasse 5 Aica di sopra
39050 Fiè allo Sciliar
South Tyrol - Dolomites - Italy

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and relevant revocation information.

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How to reach us!A little help for the journey

You can reach us from the Brenner motorway, exit Bolzano-Nord and from the state road Brenner - Bolzano, turn off in Blumau, drive towards Tiers Karerpass to km 5.5 turn right, drive past three farms and you are at the Wieserhof. In the navigation device, enter as address: Gasse 5 Oberaicha Wieserhof, or the Italian name: Via Gasse 5, Aica di sopra Wieserhof. or following GPS coordinates.

  • Lat: 46.4977 ° N
  • Lon: 11.4781 ° E
  • Lat: 46 ° 29 '51.9' 'N
  • Lon: 11 ° 28' 41.3 '' E
  • From the motorway exit Bolzano - North: 20 minutes
  • From Bolzano: 25 minutes
  • From the Karerpass: 25 minutes

Arrival by bus

We are happy to pick you up at the bus station.

Arrival by airplane

Look for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich, or Bergamo. Direct bus connection to South Tyrol by SüdtirolBus.


Family Federer
Via Gasse 5, Aica di sopra
39050 Fiè allo Sciliar
Italy/South Tyrol


Tel.+ Fax: +39 0471 601078
Mobile +39 340 374 3624

VAT 01420690214


Family Federer
Via Gasse 5, Aica di sopra
39050 Fiè allo Sciliar
Italy/South Tyrol


Tel.+ Fax: +39 0471 601078
Mobile +39 340 374 3624

VAT 01420690214